New Articles
God's Broken
Book Review-
Frozen In Time
Book Review: The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved!
Ham Can't Tell The
Simple Truth
Featured Old-Earth Book

The Fingerprint of God
Dr. Hugh Ross Read how
the Creation testifies to the existence of its Creator. From the Publisher: Hugh
Ross tells the story of how this question has been answered by both science and
theology. In easy-to-read language, he pulls together a vast array of literature
that presents powerful and convincing evidence of the existence of God. The
latest research has not only sealed the case for divine creation, but it has
also revealed the identity of the Creator Himself!
NOTE: This book falls under the category of Progressive
Creationism |
During September, Old Earth Ministries had 8,242 visitors, viewing 20,416 pages.
For more statistics, see
About OEM.
During September two new young earth book reviews have
been added. Frozen In Time by Michael Oard, is a book about the
young earth single Ice Age theory and the mammoths. The second book is Ken
Ham's The Great Dinosaur Mystery Solved! Neither book
presents any problems for old earth believers.
John Ankerberg has started a new five-part series on the Big Bang. This show can
be watched online at his website,
In Christ,
Greg Neyman
Old Earth Ministries
Featured Article -
The Floating Forest
Theory Sinks
The Featured Article will highlight one article or section of the website each
month. The Floating Forest Theory is supposed to be an explanation of how coal
layers could form in the worldwide flood. The young earth authors missed
some simple problems which makes the whole model unworkable.
Click here to read
this article.
Featured Contributed Article - Recent Impacts
on the Moon?
In this section, we will feature articles from OEM
associates, and articles which are linked to from an OEM webpage. This month,
geologist Dr. Kevin Henke looks at the impact history of the moon, which has
been used by some young earth creationists as an argument. YECs have even
proposed the craters are due to warring angels and demons!
here to read this article.Contributors Wanted!
Want to write and contribute an article to Old Earth Ministries? Know a good link to an old earth website? We are always looking for new information to publish for our readers. Drop us an email at
truth@answersincreation and let us know!
If you have problems viewing the email, drop us a note to let us know about the problem.
Old Earth Ministries
P. O. Box 571
Fairborn, OH 45324