New Articles
When is a Day Not a Day?, Dr. John's Q&A for May
Is the Big Bang Biblical, and 99 Other Questions
The Permian Extinction
Featured Old-Earth Book

Origins of Life: Biblical and Evolutionary Models Face-Off
by Hugh Ross and
Fazele Rana
FROM THE PUBLISHER: Imagine primordial Earth, a churning cauldron
of liquefied rock. Steaming, seething -- a vast desolate wasteland, inhospitable
to life. Yet somehow first life appeared. Maybe chemicals in a primordial soup
spontaneously spawned a single-celled creature that continued to evolve. Or
perhaps a transcendent Creator formed and nurtured the initial life forms. To
determine what really happened requires a framework to evaluate the evidence.
For the first time in print, Dr. Rana and Dr. Ross present a scientific model
for the creation of first life on Earth -- a model based on the Bible. They
present testable predictions for this life-origins scenario and for the
competing naturalistic scenarios. Which model withstands the rigorous scrutiny
of science and the tests of time? The one that does gives insight to a deeper
question: Why would the first life forms precede human life by billions of
This is a Progressive Creationism book.
To view more information about this book at
Greetings from Old Earth Ministries. During the
month of April, 253 new web pages were added to the site, providing many new
rebuttals to the false claims of young earth creationism. Over 100 of
these new pages are in the new book review, Is the Big Bang Biblical, and 99
other Questions. This young earth book is by ICR president Dr. John
Morris, and is a compilation of his regular monthly series, Dr. John's Q&A.
Another article you might enjoy is The Permian Extinction. It is a
rebuttal of a Technical Journal article, that was featured by Answers in Genesis
as one of their daily features during April. Rebuttals for several other
daily features were written, and may be found in the Answers in Genesis
Daily Feature page.
In Christ,
Greg Neyman
Old Earth Ministries
Featured Article - Fossil Tetrapods from
Young earth organizations frequently claim that rapidly buried fossils are
evidence of their catastrophic burial. However, catastrophic burial is a
part of the millions of years, uniformitarian model, and they fail to explain
this to their readers. This young earth article was originally published in
Technical Journal.
Click here to read
this article.
Featured Contributed Article - Carbon Dioxide and the Flood
In this section, we will feature articles from outside Answers In
Creation, which have either been linked to OEM, or copied with the permission of
the author..
In this linked article, Glenn Morton examines the
problem of carbon dioxide and the global flood model.
here to read this article.
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Want to write and contribute an article to Old Earth Ministries? Know a good link to an old earth website? We are always looking for new information to publish for our readers. Drop us an email at and let us know!
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Fairborn, OH 45324