February was a busy month for Old Earth Ministries.
In addition to the new articles/sections you see on the left, links to over 20
off-site articles were added.
A new section called
Geology Lessons was added to the
Homeschool Resources page. A frequent problem with many of the
homeschool curriculum providers is their young earth viewpoint. Resources
are available to replace this faulty pseudo-science with real science. The
list is just beginning, so expect much more to be added here...we've only just
For the next few weeks, we urge everyone to visit the Ankerberg Research
Institute website. On his television show, John Ankerberg just started a
four week series on the age of the creation. You can view the shows online
if you miss them, at
During February, OEM had 7,260 visitors, viewing 18,956 pages of information.
Once again his sets a record for visitors for Old Earth Ministries. The previous record was
7,249 visits during January, which had three more days than February!
Featured Article - Redwood Hoax?
The Featured Article will
highlight one of the lesser-visited pages on the Old Earth Ministries website.
Young earth creationists have used the "Redwood Tree" argument for their cause,
but does it really support their claim of a global flood only 4,000 years ago?
Click here to read this brief article.
Featured Contributed Article -
The Henke Papers
In this section, we will feature articles from OEM associates, and articles
which have been submitted to OEM. This month, we have added links to many pages,
including numerous articles by Kevin Henke, Assistant Professor of Geology at
the University of Kentucky. Although Dr. Henke's theological position is
unknown, his sound scientific reasoning is clear. For ease of browsing, links to all of his
articles can be viewed
Contributors Wanted!
Want to write and contribute an article to Old Earth Ministries? Know a good link to an old earth website? We are always looking for new information to publish for our readers. Drop us an email at
truth@answersincreation and let us know!
If you have problems viewing the email, drop us a note to let us know about the problem.
Old Earth Ministries
P. O. Box 571
Fairborn, OH 45324