New Articles
Book Review - Battle
for the Beginning
Featured Old-Earth Book
 For over a
century, the Holy Bible's account of creation has come under considerable
scrutiny and derision by the scientific community, casting doubts on Biblical
accuracy. But is such derision warranted? Armed with the accepted principles of
science, a keen understanding of Biblical literature, and no preconceptions,
author Jim Schicatano decided to investigate the subject for himself. The result
is a comprehensive and objective analysis of the first story of the Bible
(Genesis 1:1 - 2:4). The Theory of Creation answers the enduring questions of
science and validates the Biblical creation story. It will be a source of
inspiration for Bible readers everywhere, and is the Bible-versus-science
resolution that every believer needs to read.
(NOTE: This book falls under the category of Theistic
Evolution) |
On August 4th, we went over 52,483 visitors for the
year. That was the total number of visitors to Old Earth Ministries during
all of 2004! This year we reached that mark in just over 7 months.
During the past month I've been working on the book
review for Battle for the Beginning: Creation, Evolution, and the Bible.
This book by popular author and speaker John MacArthur tries to defend the young
earth viewpoint. It presents no threat to old earth belief, due to the
fact that it contains no convincing arguments against an old earth.
The book is full of "God of the Gaps" arguments. In other words, "look at
how complex this organism is...God must have done it." Such emotional
appeals will never convince the non-believer. While I agree with the
wonders of God's creation, this is not a convincing way to describe it.
Overall, the book does what it was intended to do...strengthen young earth
creationists beliefs, and energize them to defend their position. However,
if you look below the surface, you will see what it really is...a book of empty
rhetoric with virtually no science and dripping with emotional appeals.
You can check out the review from the link in the left column.
During July, Old Earth Ministries had 5,705 visitors, viewing 14,178 pages.
As the end of summer approaches, we are already seeing an increase in visitors
during early August.
Another enhancement
that has recently begun is the addition of printer-friendly versions of our
articles. This involves the saving of the files in Adobe Acrobat format. We
should have this project complete within the next few months.
Featured Article - Truth In Geology Series:
The Truth about Varves The Featured Article will
highlight one article or section of the website each month.
Finely layered sediment known as varves are constantly under attack from young
earth proponents. Before you listen to them, read the
truth here.
Featured Contributed Article - The Second Law
of Thermodynamics and Entropy
In this section, we will feature articles from OEM
associates, and articles which are linked to from an OEM webpage. This month,
Jim Schicatano, the author
of The Theory of Creation,
explains the proper understanding of the Second Law of Thermodynamics and
here to read this article.
You may also view information about his book to the left.Contributors Wanted!
Want to write and contribute an article to Old Earth Ministries? Know a good link to an old earth website? We are always looking for new information to publish for our readers. Drop us an email at
truth@answersincreation and let us know!
If you have problems viewing the email, drop us a note to let us know about the problem.
Old Earth Ministries
P. O. Box 571
Fairborn, OH 45324