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Young Earth Ministry Index
Creation Magazine Rebuttals
Featured Old-Earth Book

Creation & Evolution 101
by Bruce Bickel and
Stan Jantz
How we answer that important question determines a lot about our values and
beliefs. Bruce and Stan will help you think clearly and critically about science
and faith, guiding you through the foundational issues. This insightful guide to
a hotly debated topic gives straightforward and easy-to-understand answers to
questions about creation, evolution, intelligent design, and the role of
science, and what these have to do with how we live our daily lives.
Thought-provoking questions included at the end of each chapter will promote a
lively discussion with others who are interested in learning about how it all
To view more information about this book at
March was another record-breaker for visitors/page
views to our website. We had 13,837 visitors, viewing
38,619 pages. For more statistics, see
About OEM.
March, almost 200 new web pages were added, mostly in the area of Creation
Magazine rebuttals and Creation Moments rebuttals. Another new feature is
the Daily Rebuttal section on the home page, providing users with up to date
rebuttals of the daily claims of young earth ministries..
those of you who may not know about me, I am a military member. In a few
months, I will be retiring from military service after twenty years. My
hope is that I will be able to devote myself full-time to the website, but this
is dependent upon financial considerations. I appreciate your prayers as I
make this transition to civilian life.
In Christ,
Greg Neyman
Old Earth Ministries
Featured Article - Potatoes and White
Typical of young earth organizations is their attempt to tie evolution to the
world's ills. However, the world had ills long before evolution came
along. In this Creation Magazine article, Answers in Genesis ties
evolution to racism.
Click here to read
this article.
Featured Contributed Article - Walter Brown's Hydroplate
In this section, we will feature articles from outside Answers In
Creation, which have either been linked to OEM, or copied with the permission of
the author..
In this linked article, Glenn Morton examines the
young earth Hydroplate Theory of Walt Brown.
here to read this article.
Contributors Wanted!
Want to write and contribute an article to Old Earth Ministries? Know a good link to an old earth website? We are always looking for new information to publish for our readers. Drop us an email at and let us know!
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Old Earth Ministries
P. O. Box 571
Fairborn, OH 45324