Creation Science Articles
Oil Well Cores and the
Global Flood
Copyright 2003 G.R. Morton. This can be freely
distributed so long as no changes are made and no charges are made.
Since none of
the young-earthers want to discuss my salt and the global flood
article, perchance we can discuss evidence for lithification of
rocks in the middle of the global flood and what those lithified
rocks imply to the time frame over which the geologic column was
I used to work
a field called Gini field in Fayette Co., Texas. It was named after
a secretary in the company. The field had channel sands coming
across it. The channels had rip-up clasts. These are parts of the
river bank ripped up during times of flooding and deposited in the
channel. We see this today in modern river environments. If the
sediments forming the rip-up clasts were soft and unlithified, then
they would fall apart into the tiny particles and be mixed in the
sand sediment of the channel. In that case, we wouldn't see the
clasts. But this core shows both clay and sand rip-up clasts, both
of which had to be hard rock PRIOR to when they were incorporated
into the channel sand. The picture below shows both the top and the
edge of the core. The core is 4 inches in diameter and an inch thick
and by this you can estimate the size of the pebbles.
The problem
for global flood advocates is that when the channel was being
deposited, it had to be on the surface of the sediment. And at that
time, all sediment was soft and unlithified, having just been
deposited by the global flood. So the question is, if the global
flood was the cause of this channel sand, how did the lithification
For general
placement of the core in the geologic column, there is about 25,000
feet of total sediment in this area and this core was from 5400 feet
deep. If the flood deposited all the sediment, then this was late in
the flood and all dense and hard rocks eroded off the preflood
landscape should have been deposited lower down. Also there is no
outcrop of Precambrian rocks close to this site, so one can't easily
claim preflood sedimentation (which probably was still soft at the
time of the flood).

Did you know that you can be a Christian,
and believe that the earth is billions of years old? The
author of this article, Glenn Morton, made the transition from young
earth creationism to old earth creationism. To learn more
about old earth creationism, see
Old Earth Belief,
or check out the article
Can You Be A
Christian and Believe in an Old Earth?
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