Review by Greg Neyman
© Old Earth Ministries
First Published 23 August 2005
Location (Page 73)
Sheffield addresses critics who say that if Eden existed, why can't we find it today. I agree with Sheffield's synopsis of this topic, aside from his reference to the ill-fated Canopy Theory.
Life In Eden (Page 75)
His first two paragraphs present no problems, as this is what old earth creationists believe as well. He goes on to mention some have attacked the notion that the two trees existed, calling them instead "poetic figures." As a progressive creationist, I believe as Sheffield does, in a literal Tree of Life and Tree of Knowledge. He goes on to discuss the doctrines of predestination and free will. As these have nothing to do with the age of the earth, there are no problems here for old earth believers.
The "Help Meet" (Page 77)
The beginning of this section has no bearing on the age issue. Sheffield goes on to argue against evolution, using an illustration from a National Geographic magazine about the selection of four artists, who were given bone fragments from a two million year old hominid, and they drew completely different pictures of the supposed hominid. He then goes on to state that there is much misleading information out there, sometimes deliberate. However, one can easily see the problem in this illustration. What are the qualifications of the four artists? Are they merely artists, or are they trained in other fields? If they are merely artists, do they truly understand human anatomy? If not, of course they would draw the hominids differently. This does not prove that evolutionists put out misleading proves that different artists, with questionable scientific training, interpret bones differently.
The First Home (Page 79)
Sheffield gives a lengthy discussion on marriage and the home. As a conservative old earth believer, I agree with him on these issues.
This chapter is so generic in nature, that it should present no problems for old earth believers. No creation science evidence is discussed relative to the age of the earth.
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